The Invitation

Sunrise Over Sugarcane Queensland Australia, August 2008

Sunrise Over Sugarcane Queensland Australia, August 2008

It really IS the Adventure you know –
discovering what it means to open up
our minds and our hearts,
what it means to awaken all that lies dormant within us.

What it means to be stimulated and challenged to grow,
and to have our true “intelligence”… embodied.

To learn and evolve into a way of being
that is better, more, different or new
from anything we had ever previously allowed ourselves to be,
or even consider being…

To engage into something that has life of it’s own,
something that is greater than the sum of the parts…

To take action
individually and collectively
into truly “forming” life
or even,
into another life-form?

As long as we continue to look at our minds or our thoughts
as something which must be fought against…
What on earth are we doing to ourselves?

Yet we relegate the emotions and the power of them
to the “human animal” of us –
to an instinctual nature that would imply
that “consciousness” is somehow above it.

It’s time.

It’s time to stop the duality.

It’s time to stop fighting against
who we REALLY are as humanity…
against our true nature for Peace and Compassion…

And for Learning… lots and lots of Learning!

To see both our thoughts AND our emotions,
those elements that BOTH, together
create the “movement” that IS our Mind

To see them as elements of our lives that could and would truly,
authentically and uniquely be capable
of channelling who we are being
into …
something else.

I ask you to give yourself permission…

Permission to entertain
that “thinking” isn’t about “doing”
or “making things happen”.

That rather, it’s about an “environment”.

One that seduces us to the very core.

I believe that what we are called to,
that the opportunity that awaits every soul
walking around on this planet
in these spacesuits we call bodies,

Is not to walk away from our minds or our thinking…

Not to divorce it as if it somehow cheated on us
with the routine allure of labeling and focusing on results,
and therefore has to be punished for it’s innumerable transgressions.

Instead, I believe we are called to “courting” our minds again…
to being in the “movement” that process creates,
and in doing so, allowing the process to open up our hearts –

To allow ourselves to be in the pleasure
of becoming attracted, enticed,
intrigued and infatuated…

With authentically “getting to know” the energy,
the importance and the truth
of why we are built and wired the way we are –
in body (including the brain, and heart), mind and soul…

To see ourselves in a new light,
as the absolutely glorious
broadcasting and switching stations of our existence we truly are.

So I invite you…

To enter into and engage in your own journey…
to stir yourself to “movement” of your mind and heart.

To ask the questions, and to explore your own thoughts
and feelings…

To give yourself permission
to allow all that lies dormant within you,
to awaken;

And with ethusiasm and joy,
savour in the sensations that yet again
receive the signals
that your life is never going to be the same…

May your thoughts,
match your words,
match your actions,

And may we all, truly,
Animate Our Minds!

Categories: “Being” in the Signals, 6 Acts of Receiving, Co-creating Community, I Give Myself Permission, Shifting… Again, Thoughts & Reflections

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